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Current issues at Strömfors Ironworks
Strömfors Ironworks is an ironworks community, a village and a destination where history meets the present.
Strömfors Ruuk Autumn-winter season
The autumn-winter season in Strömfors Ruuk has started! During the winter season, our operators will serve you with company-specific opening hours, please check their opening hours on their websites before visiting! Ruuk has both year-round operators who welcome visitors almost every day throughout the winter season, such as A'la Talli boutique and Lunch Restaurant Ruukin Herkku, and operators who offer services during the winter season mainly by advance booking. Find out more in the business presentations!
Strömfors Ruuk Autumn-winter season
In November on All Saints Day 2.11 on Saturday at 16.20 there will be Strömfors Kekri 2024. Kekri is a family spectacle inspired by ancient Finnish tradition, where the ancient meets the modern in a celebration of fire and light. The highlights of the event are a combat riding demonstration and the burning of the kekripuk. Read more about the event on our website!
The traditional Strömfors Christmas Market will take place on 7-8 December. This year's new feature is the Design&Vintage market in the new Strömfors Hall, in addition to the traditional Vint market. The Christmas event for the whole family will also include pony rides and an elf school for the little ones. Welcome!
The Christmas events will be crowned by a new Christmas Workshops event celebrating crafts, where you can choose two different Christmas workshops for the day, for example to make last-minute Christmas gifts. Options include iron forging, ceramics and a Christmas crafts workshop. Read more about Christmas events here!
Opening hours and events in September
The autumn season is an eventful time in the pot!
All services open in September on weekends from 12-18!
Check the operators' websites for their weekday opening hours!
1.8 - 30.9, "Strömfors Ruukki and Animal Friend" photo competition.
1.9 Su, Opening of the Strömfors Ruuk Measuring Drawing Camp exhibition.
13-15.9, Fri-Sun, Strömfors Gravel Mill cycling event.
28.9 Sat, Closing of the summer season: torchlight evening from 16-20
Opening hours and events in August
Summer continues at the ruuk in August!
Allservicesat the ruukare open
1-11 August Mon-Sun 10-18 and 12-31 August Mon-Sun 11-18.
Strömfors Church is open until 11 August 10-17.
The ruuk museums are open until 31 August Mon-Sun 10-17.
Some services are also open longer! Please check the opening hours on the operator's website!
3.8 Sat, Kymijoki Day event for the whole family.
10.8 Sat, Art&Mocktails art course at the Tallin Vint.
24.-25.8 Sat-Sun Loviisa Wanhat Talot event, during which Ikebana workshops, forging demonstrations andguided tours of the building history are organised at the pottery. Services are usually open from 11-18 on both days!
Summer opening hours
June, Mon-Sun 11am - 6pm
July, Mon-Sun 10am - 6pm
August, 1-11 August Mon-Sun 10am - 6pm and 12-31 August Mon-Sun 11am - 6pm
Midsummer opening hours
Summer Shops, open every day 11-18
A'la Talli, Fri-Sun 11-15, open longer if necessary.
Art Gallery Strömfors Art open every day 10-17.
Restaurant Strömfors Mylly Fri-Sat 11-24, Sun 11-17. Live music on Saturday from 19.30.
Restaurant Strömfors Bed & Bistro open Friday 11-22, and Sat and Sun 11-17.
Paja Pizza&More open every day at least 12-18.
OhMyCoffee café open 11-18.
Restaurant Lunch Restaurant Fellmanni Ruukki Friday 10-18/21 and Saturday 10-02, plus karaoke. Sun 11-17
Kalle'sVillage Shop M-Market RuukkiFri and Sat 9-18, Sun 10-18. Saturday live music on Saturday on the terrace at 14.00.
Wellsters - Nature always wins Equipment rental open every day 10-20:00. Sunday,
Hiking point Sunday paddling 12-15, departing from Sahara. 49e/person. Book in advance at
From the ironworks, guided tourto the idyll of Ruuk from 12-13. 10e/person, 5e/children. Departure from the Upper Bakery Museum. Strömfors Rookery Museum
Upper BarnMuseum and Church, closed Fri-Sat. Welcome to spend Midsummer in the pottery!
Restaurant Strömfors Mylly opens its doors to customers
Restaurant Strömfors Mylly opens its doors to customers on 5.6.2024. You can check the restaurant's opening hours here.
Strömfors x Adventure adventure sports event 25.5.2024
On Saturday 25 May, Strömfors Ironworks will be the venue for the adventure sports event X Adventure. The event will have almost 150 participants. The area's pubs, art gallery, café Oh My Coffee and lunch restaurant Fellmanni will be open as usual. Fellamanni will serve visitors from 09-02 and Oh My Coffee from 11-18.
We welcome all visitors to the pot and wish all participants a good wind for the event!
Roseborg celebrates its 15th anniversary
Opening of art exhibitions 11.5.2024
Welcome to enjoy art and culture again this summer at the art exhibitions in Strömfors Ruuk! Join us for the opening of the summer art exhibitions on 11.5.2024 at 16:00, when we will once again open the doors to a unique art experience. Come and discover the works of artists who will take you on a journey of stories and emotions.
Strömfors Ironworks is renowned for its art exhibitions and during our opening you can experience the power of art first hand. Come and be inspired and enjoy the magic of art in a unique historical setting.
Mark your calendars for 11 May 2024 and join us for the opening, where unforgettable art experiences await you at Strömfors Ironworks! Free admission to the exhibitions.
May Day Brunch 1.5.2024
The Bistro will be hosting an Easter brunch on 1.5.2024 from 11 - 15.
We recommend making a table reservation, You can also come without a reservation.
You can check out Bistro's delicious Easter menu in advance here.